Sunday, May 15, 2011

Stop and Celebrate

We are winding up our ministry year for our student ministries (crazy to think that we've finished our 5th school year here!)
Last week we had our last night of The ROCK & seniors night for 180
This week we'll have our end of the year parties for both ministries
Then we are done
Sure, we've got our summer schedule and our summer trips & camps
But this year is done

It's interesting, every year as we get to the end of a year I've always got a lot of different reactions and emotions that are going through me. I find it key to not only recognize what these emotions are, but also embrace them and respond to them.

As fellow youth pastors / youth leaders; what are you feeling at the end of the year? How do you respond to those emotions?

There is usually a deep sense of joy
I look back at the year and see all that Jesus has done
Leaders who have invested themselves
Students who have met with Jesus or were drawn closer
Victories and growth ... both the big and the small

So, what is my response to this joy?

Maybe it's just me ... but I don't think it is
In ministry we have a tendency to always be looking ahead to the next thing, the next event, the next challenge
While that's not all bad, there is a tendency to forget to stop and celebrate right now
What does this look like for you?
I know for me I want to spend some time encouraging my leaders, being fully present with some students and giving thanks to God for all the work He did and allowed us to do this year.

1 comment:

  1. I agree Jon. I think celebrating at the end is key. It breaks us out of the cycle of "endless minsitry". We have to have seasons, and just like a season must start at some point, it needs to end. Celebrate the end. Highlight them, hug people, point out victories, encourage forward. Not only do we need to do this, but we need to do it more. Thanks for the reminder.

